[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 14616
갱년기 여성의 질 건조증과 성만족도에 미치는 대조환의 임상효과 보고
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 14579
가감청심연자음으로 치료한 질건조증 환자 3례에 대한 임상 보고
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 14680
만성 칸디다성 질염 환자 치험례
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 16015
대하치료에 사용되는 온리약이 질내 미생물에 미치는 영향
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 13562
Use of ChineseMedicine and Subsequent Surgery in Women with Uterine Fibroid: A Retrospective Cohort Study
[공통] 2015-01-23 | Hit 13781
Decreasing bleeding due to uterine fibroid with electroacupuncture
[공통] 2015-01-20 | Hit 14142
Effect of traditional Chinese medicine (Xiaochaihu Tang) on the expression of MMP‑2 and MMP‑9 in rats with endometriosis
[공통] 2015-01-20 | Hit 14276
Controlling the Recurrence of Pelvic Endometriosis after A Conservative Operation: Comparison between Chinese Herbal Med
[공통] 2015-01-19 | Hit 14303
Effects of Saireito on the ovarian function of patients with polycycstic ovary syndrome
[공통] 2015-01-19 | Hit 13943
Effects of Switching to Wen-Jing-Tang (Unkei-To) from Preceding Herbal Preparations..